RobotLocomotion / drake

Model-based design and verification for robotics.
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Lack of force introspection makes model debugging hard #12911

Open ggould-tri opened 4 years ago

ggould-tri commented 4 years ago

This is a feature request, not a bug -- I have no reason to believe that Drake was doing anything odd, just that I could not figure out why my code using drake was buggy.

Trying to debug why a joint in my simulation reached equilibrium at an unexpected position, I found myself wanting to know all of the forces acting on it. But this turns out to be very difficult, as there is no complete list of the forces acting on a joint and each individual thing that can act on a joint presents its force in a different way (if at all):

A similar situation applies to free bodies.

@amcastro-tri suggests that this is related to #12886

amcastro-tri commented 4 years ago

Thank you @ggould-tri, this is a great list! I'd love to hear if you have any thoughts on a preferred API to request these.

ggould-tri commented 4 years ago

The two problems are (1) what are all the things exerting a force on this joint or body, and (2) what force is each of those things exerting.

So for example right now I have a joint that I believe has a gravity force, a joint limit force and a LinearSpringDamper force, and which is in equilibrium in a position that seems wrong to me. I wish to debug this situation. So I would want roughly:

sherm1 commented 4 years ago

Forces (including torques) along the joint axes come in two flavors:

Similarly, joints apply forces to bodies (both along actuated axes and as reaction forces in the non-moving directions).

Any thoughts on how you would like those untangled?

ggould-tri commented 4 years ago

From a debugging perspective, what I ideally want is a free body diagram like kids draw in high school physics :-) "What are the forces" and "where is this particular force coming from" are the questions and the rest is detail.

It sounds to me from your description like the forces in the first category are forces on the joint (either from actuation, constraint, or topology), and the forces in the second category are forces on links (which are the things that have mass and can collide and occupy space). So possibly asking for the forces on a joint should give the individual items in the first category and the total force of the second category coming in, and likewise asking for the forces on a link (or free body) the itemized second category and the sum of the inputs from the first category?

I think the main thing should be that the Newtonian accounting should work -- the forces on a body or joint at rest must sum to zero. That's the only way to be sure you've got them all.