RobotLocomotion / drake

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[geometry] Geometry owned *outside* of SceneGraph - MeshPainter system #13246

Closed SeanCurtis-TRI closed 5 months ago

SeanCurtis-TRI commented 4 years ago


There is a higher principle that is going to be initially explored using a particular application. The higher principle is this: there is some data that geometry queries depend on that SceneGraph doesn't own. Some examples of this principle:


The MeshPainterSystem behaves as described above. The system has been completely prototyped (such that a painted mesh can be observed in renderings (both color and label renderings). To see the results, bazel run examples/scene_graph:painting_a_mesh in the prototype branch (launch drake_visualizer first).


The implementation of MeshPainterSystem is straighforward.


Open design questions

InputImage serial number

Swapping textures in the RenderEngine isn't cheap. We'd like to do it only if it's worthwhile. To that end, the InputImage has a serial number. Every time the owner modifies the image, it should "bump" the serial number. The RenderEngine can track the serial number of the input image it has in its own memory -- only if its stored serial number doesn't match the input serial number will it change its internal texture. For painting, this makes sense because if there's no contact, there's no change to the image. Only in the presence of contact between canvas and painter is there a chance for the image to change.

Is this premature optimization?

Nature of SceneGraph input ports

What should the semantics of the InputImage port be? In the prototype, it's a single port takes a single image. SceneGraph already has an external dependency on frame pose. However, it aggregates all of the frame poses from a single source in a single input port. Should this pattern be spread throughout all other types of geometric quantities? Images? Meshes? Alternatively, maybe we don't expect a single source to output an entire family of images? A vector of type seems to make the most sense -- a singleton vector is easy to create and leaves the door for easy aggregation.

Arbitrary image format support

Currently, the prototype requires the image provided at the port to be ImageRgba8U. In this specific context, it doesn't make a great deal of sense; a single-channel image would be enough to serve as a mask. However, this will require additional infrastructure in terms of declaration and type erasure so all images can come through but the expectations about what kind of image is provided can still be run through.

In the name of expedient prototyping, I didn't spend any time thinking about resolving this. It may be trivial or not. It seems to be the right thing to do, and it may prove that the prototype place holder might need to radically change.

Specify painting in URDF/SDF

Currently, there is no way to specify the necessary perception properties in URDF/SDF files. Again, probably straightforward, it just hasn't been tackled.

Expected PR train (loosely)

  1. Modify QueryObject to eliminate the inevitable fallacious algebraic loop.
  2. Add the initial painter shader to RenderEngineVtk such that we can use a static image to modify the geometry's appearance.
  3. Extend SceneGraph to accept input images and feed them through to RenderEngine (extending RenderEngineVtk painter shader to use dynamic images (as opposed to just static).
  4. Introduce MeshPainterSystem and example scenario.
SeanCurtis-TRI commented 4 years ago

cc @siyuanfeng-tri @DamrongGuoy @sherm1 @calderpg-tri

DamrongGuoy commented 4 years ago

I don't know enough to understand. Is it possible to have some pictures or diagrams to help the audiences?

jwnimmer-tri commented 1 year ago

Maybe we should close this issue as "not planned anytime soon"?