RobotLocomotion / drake

Model-based design and verification for robotics.
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Adds CommonSolverOption::kStandaloneReproductionFileName #21607

Closed RussTedrake closed 1 day ago

RussTedrake commented 1 week ago

and adds support for it to ClarabelSolver.

+@jwnimmer-tri for feature review, please. Our slack discussion was here.

I was encouraged to finish this because bumping to the latest Drake (which had bumped Clarabel) broke one of my simple examples in underactuated again.

This change is Reviewable

jwnimmer-tri commented 1 week ago

I can look at this later next week, but I have other high-priority stuff taking my time at the moment.

One question / prompt -- should the option point to a directory instead of a file?

In cases like GCS where we are solving more than just one program, I worry that an option for a filename will be too limiting. We would only ever get the output from the last program, or worse if we are using multithreading they might fight about who writes to the file.

RussTedrake commented 1 week ago

+@hongkai-dai for feature review, please?

FTR -- these are the two upstream PRs I've generated with this so far: