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Permit unit tests' declared names to be unique only within their immediate subdirectory, instead of requiring global uniqueness #3126

Closed david-german-tri closed 7 years ago

david-german-tri commented 8 years ago

Having a flat build directory full of executables is leading to collisions. See discussion on #3097.

Matthew and Jamie, could you offer an opinion on how easy/hard this is in CMake?

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

Alternatively, how about not installing unit tests in the first place?

david-german-tri commented 8 years ago

Separate issue, I think? They have to get built somewhere.

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

Yes, and that's what we have build directories for.

david-german-tri commented 8 years ago

Which currently have a flat structure: build/drake/bin/ALL_THE_THINGS. I am proposing it should not be flat.

jamiesnape commented 8 years ago

In a standard cmake project, the build directory will follow the same directory structure as the source by default. I guess we override that somewhere. Should be easy to fix.

jamiesnape commented 8 years ago

Install will be flat, so not installing would be a good thing.

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

@david-german-tri Right now we have e.g. drake-distro/build/drake/common/test/CMakeFiles/polynomial_test.dir/; my proposal is to put the executable in the same place, instead of bin.

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

And furthermore I think that making actual Drake executables (not the tests) have a tree structure is wrong -- they should in fact all dump into a single bin.

mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

Should be easy to fix.

Not so easy; the problem is in pods.cmake :cry:. (This is also #2869, BTW... actually, it conflicts with #2869, and needs to be fixed in the same location.)

david-german-tri commented 8 years ago

@david-german-tri Right now we have e.g. drake-distro/build/drake/common/test/CMakeFiles/polynomial_test.dir/; my proposal is to put the executable in the same place, instead of bin.

Sure, I'm fine with that.

And furthermore I think that making actual Drake executables (not the tests) have a tree structure is wrong -- they should in fact all dump into a single bin.

In the install step, I agree.

mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

Also, how are there executable name conflicts without target name conflicts?

jamiesnape commented 8 years ago

We override the output file somewhere?

liangfok commented 8 years ago

I definitely ran into a target name conflict when I naively tried to add a "model_test" unit test not knowing there was already a "model_test" unit test in the collision model directory. I worked around it by renaming my unit test load_model_test, and updating the corresponding .cc file (this was in drake-distro/drake/systems/plants/test/

david-german-tri commented 8 years ago

Wait, target names aren't namespaced by directory? :facepalm:

EDIT: To clarify my question here: is it the case that every target name in the CMake project must be unique, regardless of the directory in which it appears?

mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

@david-german-tri, no... ninja <target name>? (And because you can refer to any target from any other directory; that wouldn't work without a flat namespace, unless you always had to qualify target names. At that point, you might as well just name your targets after their containing directory.)

david-german-tri commented 8 years ago

that wouldn't work without a flat namespace, unless you always had to qualify target names

FTR this is what Bazel does. Given that CMake doesn't, clearly you're right: it would be nice to un-flatten the test executables for general sanity, but it doesn't solve the collision problem until we have a convention to namespace targets.

At that point, you might as well just name your targets after their containing directory

Maybe we should consider that as a convention.

liangfok commented 8 years ago

At that point, you might as well just name your targets after their containing directory

Maybe we should consider that as a convention.

It looks like the MATLAB-based unit tests have already adopted that convention. For example:

mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

it would be nice to un-flatten the test executables for general sanity [...] Maybe we should consider [naming targets after their containing directory] as a convention

For tests, this is probably a good idea. The CTest test names also should reflect the "directory" (at least, the component being tested, which may or may not be the same thing). This is good just for sanity's sake, as a name like "model_test" isn't really sufficiently informative. (IIRC though, the CTest names are currently better than the target/executable names, but that might just be the MATLAB tests as @liangfok notes.)

jamiesnape commented 8 years ago

One complication is the current state of add_mex. There is a comment

# note: builds the MEX file inplace (not into some build directory)

Then again, I am having to fix that file already.

jamiesnape commented 8 years ago

It looks like the MATLAB-based unit tests have already adopted that convention.

There are maybe 5-10 that do not, but mostly that is true.

amcastro-tri commented 8 years ago

What is the status of this? I just wanted to create a rigid_body_system_test (with RBS2.0!) but of course that test exists. It'd be very nice to have executables in a matching directory tree with the source.

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

For present-day PRs, I'd suggest bashing on with a workaround (use a different name). I suspect this will require some nuance between what is a test and what is a delivered program.

mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

I'm honestly not convinced this should be fixed. There are non-trivial advantages to having all binaries in the same directory (especially on Windows), and fixing it wouldn't help the target name collision anyway. If you aren't overriding the OUTPUT_NAME on the executable, which I don't encourage anyway, you shouldn't be running into output name collisions.

To clarify: can someone please explain why (if?) there is a problem with executable names but not with target names?

liangfok commented 8 years ago

I agree with @mwoehlke-kitware. I think we should just use the full path to the source code as the target name for the resulting executable, though maybe not with the initial "drake" since everything is in "drake".

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

That's fine as far as CTest naming goes, but they will still stop all over each other in bin if you have duplicate basenames. I still assert that the best solution is to not put unit test binaries in install/bin, but rather have them stay within the build tree somehow.

liangfok commented 8 years ago

I see, so the problem is all of the exectuables are currently installed into drake-distro/build/drake/bin/, meaning we cannot have identically-named exectuables.

mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

they will still stop all over each other in bin if you have duplicate basenames

Only if you are using OUTPUT_NAME to override the executable file names. Or am I missing something?

The default executable name == the target name, and you can't have duplicate targets. So, starting with the axiom that your target names don't clash (because CMake will refuse to configure in such case), how is it that there are duplicate output names?

the best solution is to not put unit test binaries in install/bin

Wait... we're not installing the tests, are we? (My build doesn't seem to do so, at least...)

liangfok commented 8 years ago

Wait... we're not installing the tests, are we? (My build doesn't seem to do so, at least...)

Ah, maybe I'm misusing the word "installing". The binaries are defintely placed into a single directory: drake-distro/build/drake/bin/. I suppose that's not called "installing" since they're not in drake-distro/build/install.

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

This is the namespace conflict I'm talking about. All tests get dumped into here:

jwnimmer@call-cc:~$ ls jwnimmer-tri/drake-distro/build/debug/drake/bin
acrobotURDFDynamicsTest                kuka_lcm_visualizer                    state_test
adder_test                             lcm_publisher_system_test              system_identification_test
atlas_dynamics_demo                    lcm_subscriber_system_test             system_input_test
autodiff_test                          lcm_translator_dictionary_test         system_output_test
basic_state_and_output_vector_test     load_model_test                        system_test
basic_state_vector_test                moby_lcp_solver_test                   testAccelerometer
basic_vector_test                      model_element_id_test                  testAffineSystem
benchmarkRigidBodyTree                 model_test                             testConstraintConstructor
bullet_collision_zero_rad_sphere_test  multi_car_sim_lcm                      testConvexHull
car_sim_lcm                            n_ary_state_test                       testDrakeGeometryUtil
car_simulation_test                    n_ary_system_test                      testDrakeGradientUtil
cascade_system_test                    nice_type_name_test                    testExponentialPlusPiecewisePolynomial
compareRigidBodySystems                optimization_problem_test              test_gravity_compensation_for_valkyrie
constant_value_source_test             pass_through_test                      testGyroscope
constant_vector_source_test            pendulum_dynamic_constraint_test       testIK
context_test                           pendulum_run_dynamics                  testIKMoreConstraints
continuous_system_test                 pendulum_run_energy_shaping            testIKpointwise
curve2_test                            pendulum_run_lqr                       testIKtraj
debugManipulatorDynamics               pendulum_run_swing_up                  testKinematicsCacheChecks
demo_multi_car                         pendulum_trajectory_optimization_test  testLCMUtil
diagram_builder_test                   pendulumURDFDynamicsTest               testLidar
diagram_context_test                   polynomial_test                        testMagnetometer
diagram_test                           quadrotorURDFDynamicsTest              testMassSpringDamper
direct_collocation_constraint_test     rbt_collisions_test                    testMobyLCP
drake_assert_test_compile              rigidBodyLCMNode                       testOptimizationProblem
drake_assert_test_default              rigid_body_system_test                 testPiecewisePolynomial
drake_assert_test_disabled             rigid_body_test                        testPolynomial
drake_assert_test_enabled              rigid_body_tree_test                   testSplineGeneration
drake_deprecated_test                  rotation_conversion_test               testTrigPoly
drake_throw_test                       run_kuka_iiwa_arm_dynamics             testXmlUtil
dynamic_constraint_test                runPendulumDynamics                    text_logging_test_default
eigen_matrix_compare_test              runPendulumEnergyShaping               text_logging_test_no_spdlog
expmap_test                            runPendulumLQR                         trajectory_car_test
feedback_system_test                   runQuadrotorDynamics                   trajectory_optimization_test
functional_form_test                   runQuadrotorLQR                        trig_poly_test
function_test                          simple_car_demo                        urdfCollisionTest
gain_test                              simple_car_test                        urdfKinTest
gurobi_solver_test                     simulation_termination_test            urdfManipulatorDynamicsTest
integrator_test                        simulation_trajectory_logger_test      urdf_parser_test
kuka_iiwa_arm_test                     sorted_vectors_have_intersection_test  value_test
kuka_iiwa_gravity_compensation_test    spring_mass_system_test                vector_test
kuka_iiwa_pd_control_test              state_subvector_test
kuka_ik_demo                           state_supervector_test
mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

This is the namespace conflict I'm talking about. All tests get dumped into here:

I understand that. What I don't understand is why you believe this is the problem. Those names match the target names¹. Target names must be unique.

If your target names conflict, having the executables all in the same directory is not the problem. If your target names don't conflict, the executable names won't conflict either, even though they all get dumped in the same directory.

Please explain what I am missing here...

(¹ AFAICT we are only using OUTPUT_NAME on mex stuff and drake's LCM types library. Not on any unit tests or other executables.)

jamiesnape commented 8 years ago

I guess this is part of the problem: Not sure why PODs does that for everything instead of using INSTALL if/when appropriate.

liangfok commented 8 years ago

I suppose the problem is we want to namespace the target name rather than modify the target name to uniquely distinguish it. For example, can we have the following two targets:

  1. drake/systems/plants/test/rigid_body_system/rigid_body_system_test
  2. drake/systems/plants/rigid_body_system/test/rigid_body_system_test

The first one above already exists in master, but takes the target name of "rigid_body_system_test". The second one above is what @amcastro-tri should ideally create in #3245.

sherm1 commented 8 years ago

Maybe add a "1" to the target name for the System1 things?

mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

I guess this is part of the problem

That's why everything gets dumped in the same directory. I remain unconvinced, however, that that is a problem. (There are legitimate reasons to dump everything in the same directory. At least for libraries, #2869 is a really big one. It's also a lot more convenient to find things if they're all in the same place.)

We aren't using OUTPUT_NAME (not as applies to this issue, anyway), so we don't and can't have conflicting executable names.

There are arguments both for and against writing all the built executables to a single directory. Naming conflicts, at least in our case (not using OUTPUT_NAME), are not one of them.

For example, can we have the following two targets [...]

/ is not allowed in a target name AFAI{K,CT}.

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

My imagined general solution is that instead of writing repetitive 3-4 lines of CMake for a unit test, we have a macro that does the whole dance for us, which then also adds a subdirectory-based nonce to the target. But we'd then also have to either add the nonce to the binary names, or copy them into a nonce-based directory structure.

But @liangfok and @amcastro-tri as I said upthread, for now just work around the duplicates problem. Sherm's way is nice, but anything will work. In short, we don't need to prioritize the general solution as proposed by this issue for any reason.

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

In other words, IMO, the ticket is really "permit unit tests' declared names to be unique only within their immediate subdirectory, instead of requiring global uniqueness", and not the current title.

mwoehlke-kitware commented 8 years ago

My imagined general solution is that instead of writing repetitive 3-4 lines of CMake for a unit test, we have a macro that does the whole dance for us, which then also adds a subdirectory-based nonce to the target. But we'd then also have to either add the nonce to the binary names, or copy them into a nonce-based directory structure.

If we add such a function, it shouldn't be hard to have it also override the output path. That would be fine...ish. That goal still conflicts with the goal of #2869 (make it possible to actually run stuff without setting %PATH%), though.

Also, how many times do users need to type the test executable name? It may be sufficient to just have that function ensure a unique name. (After all, naming things is hard. I'm all for anything that helps with that problem!)

In other words, IMO, the ticket is really "permit unit tests' declared names to be unique only within their immediate subdirectory, instead of requiring global uniqueness", and not the current title.

Yes. At least as far as the naming that the developer needs to think about.

liangfok commented 8 years ago

I've updated the name of this issue to reflect the general consensus.

jwnimmer-tri commented 8 years ago

In other words, IMO, the ticket is really "permit unit tests' declared names to be unique only within their immediate subdirectory, instead of requiring global uniqueness", and not the current title.

Yes. At least as far as the naming that the developer needs to think about.


And if on windows we get bin/systems_plants_test_rigid_body_system_rigid_body_system_test and bin/systems_plants_rigid_body_system_test_rigid_body_system_test under the hood instead of subdirectories, that's a-ok by me.

p.s. Those unit test names are super-confusing no matter what this ticket's resolution is.

david-german-tri commented 7 years ago

(accidentally) fixed in #4162

jwnimmer-tri commented 7 years ago

Are we sure? I think yes the binary paths are different now, but are the test names known to ctest still in conflict?

david-german-tri commented 7 years ago

Are we sure? I think yes the binary paths are different now, but are the test names known to ctest still in conflict?

Oh. You're right. :-( Reopening.

(I never actually invoke ctest locally.)

jamiesnape commented 7 years ago

So this ticket is basically namespacing the test names based on subdirectory?

jamiesnape commented 7 years ago

So autodiff_test would become math/autodiff_test or math/test/autodiff_test or drake/math/autodiff_test or drake/math/test/autodiff_test...?

mwoehlke-kitware commented 7 years ago

the test names known to ctest still in conflict?

Also, the original problem I think also had to do with the target names...

jwnimmer-tri commented 7 years ago

The name drake/math/autodiff_test would most closely match what we've done in Bazel, so would be my suggestion. If we have to do drake/math/test/autodiff_test instead that's okay too.

david-german-tri commented 7 years ago

I think this is wontfix due to imminent #3129.