RobotLocomotion / models

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[ycb] VTK files of tetrahedral meshes #24

Closed DamrongGuoy closed 3 months ago

DamrongGuoy commented 1 year ago

I'd like to create and maintain tetrahedral meshes in VTK files for YCB objects.

  1. Decimate the fine triangle meshes in existing Obj files to make temporary coarser triangle meshes.
  2. Create tetrahedral meshes from coarse triangle meshes.
  3. Fix tetrahedral meshes to remove tetrahedral elements with zero signed-distance gradients. (related Drake PR 19232)
  4. Save into VTK files for compliant-hydroelastic objects and deformable objects.
  5. Use them in Drake's new hydroelastic tutorials for non-convex compliant-hydroelastic meshes (TODO: companion Drake PR).
jwnimmer-tri commented 3 months ago

Use them in Drake's new hydroelastic tutorials for non-convex compliant-hydroelastic meshes (TODO: companion Drake PR).

Was that referring to

If yes, then it seems you decided to use the non-convex pepper instead of a YCB object; is that right?

If yes, then I wonder if there is still any reason to ~convert~ add any volume meshes for YCB objects? Please clarify whether we still need this enhancement or not.

DamrongGuoy commented 3 months ago

We can close it now. Thanks for checking.