RobotWebTools / rclnodejs

Node.js version of ROS 2.0 client
Apache License 2.0
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Custom filter for omitting ROS2 interfaces from the message-generation process #891

Closed wayneparrott closed 1 year ago

wayneparrott commented 1 year ago

In response to the the blocking issue #890, I've introduced a simple mechanism for filtering ros2 interfaces out of the message generation process. The mechanism reads and external blocklist.json file containing filters that are used by rosidl_gen/package.js to determine which ROS2 interface files to excluded during the message-generation process. The user is informed of the ROS interfaces that are omitted with a console.log message.

An ideal solution to #890 is to generate javascript message files from idl files. This will take some time during which we are blocked. This mechanism provides a quick work-around. And we can always disable this feature by removing the rosidl_gen/blocklist.json file in the future.

Also I switched the windows workflows to use node 18.12.0 in place of 18.13.0. There is a repeatable issue with node-gyp configuration on node 18.13. It seems to be related to the node cache. Switching to 18.12 avoids using a cached version of node 18 and the issue no longer occurs.

Fix #890