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Bug ROS2 custom message in subfolder #175

Closed sirawats closed 1 week ago

sirawats commented 3 years ago

My custom msg directory

|  |--msg
|     |--bunker_base
|        |--BunkerMototState.msg

then npm install so rclnodejs generated the ros2 msg js interface

|  |--generated
|     |--oru_msgs
|        |--oru_msgs__bunker_base__BunkerMotorState.js 

The result: Screenshot from 2021-02-05 17-08-22-x

According to my investigation, I had 2 methods to solve this

1. Change my oru_msgs directory structure (remove bunker_base/ )

|  |--msg
|     |--BunkerMototState.msg

then npm install, so rclnodejs/generation is going to be

|  |--generated
|     |--oru_msgs
|        |--oru_msgs__msg__BunkerMotorState.js 

but this gonna be force user to can't have subfolder and inflexible!

2. Manually edit rclnodejs/generated without change directory structure

|  |--generated
|     |--oru_msgs
|        |--oru_msgs__bunker_base__BunkerStatus.js  ---> oru_msgs__msg__BunkerMotorState.js

and edit line: 101 of oru_msgs__msg__BunkerMotorState.js from return {pkgName: 'oru_msgs', subFolder: 'bunker_base', interfaceName: 'BunkerMotorState'}; to return {pkgName: 'oru_msgs', subFolder: 'msg', interfaceName: 'BunkerMotorState'};

The result: Screenshot from 2021-02-05 17-13-19-x

So I think this should be improved

debanik123 commented 1 year ago

source your catkin_ws with your custom msg