RobotWebTools / ros2djs

2D Visualization Library for use with the ROS JavaScript Libraries
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ROS2D.Zoom usage with ruler/grid for scale realization. #42

Open rahuldeo2047 opened 4 years ago

rahuldeo2047 commented 4 years ago

mouse wheel/scroll event ? I could utilize the pan view. However, the zoom is not working as I am not able to capture the mouse wheel event. both 'wheel' and 'mousewheel' event name tried with stage and canvas. I am able to capture other mouse events.

zoom ? In case the mouse wheel/scroll event is captured, how can I implement the startzoom(...) and zoom(...) methods. Any example.

ruler or grid ? After which I will need a ruler/grid alongside/on stage for scale realization as per zoom level.

map modify ? (to study about) On top of these, I will have to modify/annotate the static/dynamic map.

However, I am getting the mouse wheel event with the direct event adding to the document element. document.getElementById('map').addEventListener('wheel', ...);

Any implementation care so that pan and zoom do not interfere with each other.

Any direction towards these will help me achieve the mentioned goal.

rahuldeo2047 commented 4 years ago

Would try:

zeken commented 4 years ago