RobotWebTools / roslibjs

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TFClient unified goal_id #560

Open ufrhaidar opened 1 year ago

ufrhaidar commented 1 year ago

if i was to use ros3djs to visualize a URDF or a 2d map, the TFClient sends a goal to the tf2_web_republisher with a goal_id.

I would like to open the same visualization on multiple tabs or devices, and I don't want the tf2_web_republisher to send the same transforms multiple times only because the goal_id is different. Would it be possible to choose a constant goal_id to reduce the bandwidth of data being published by the tf2_web_republisher.

To get an idea of how bad the bandwidth gets, try the following visualize a URDF tutorial. Monitor the bandwidth on the feedback topic rostopic bw tf2_web_republisher/feedback while refreshing the URDF visualizer tab.

Also, could you update the documentation of the TFClient to show how to cancel a specific goal? I've been using this.TfClient.currentGoal.cancel(); to cancel a specific goal or this.TfClient.actionClient.cancel(); to cancel all goals.

MatthijsBurgh commented 1 year ago

Also, could you update the documentation of the TFClient to show how to cancel a specific goal? I've been using this.TfClient.currentGoal.cancel(); to cancel a specific goal or this.TfClient.actionClient.cancel(); to cancel all goals.

Could you create a separate issue for this?

MatthijsBurgh commented 1 year ago

I don't think this is possible. This would require a major refactor of the code. I don't have the resources to do that. So you would need to develop it mostly yourself. But when working correctly and not breaking current behaviour. I am happy to integrate it.

ufrhaidar commented 1 year ago

I'm still new to javascript. Have tried to change the goal_id in roslibjs/src/actionlib/Goal.js and making it static then following the build instruction. That didn't work as I might be somehow importing the wrong module. Any advise or comments are appreciated. If I get this simple change to work, I can get the TFClient to have an option of using a static goal_id.

MatthijsBurgh commented 1 year ago

By changing the goal_id to be static. The actionlib becomes useless for normal action interfaces. So that is the difficulty of this. Which is why a major refactor would be required. Also only one client should own a goal_id. So by using a static one. The whole canceling become very complex.

ufrhaidar commented 1 year ago

yes I understand that. Making it static would only be a first step for me to test that the concept works. Later a different goal object can be created and used only with TFClient or StaticTFClient.

The solution would also require a custom or modified tf2_web_republisher. I already have the republisher made, and I'll keep working on the static goal_id when I have time. I'm just having trouble importing the newly built roslibjs.

Once I get both sides (tf2_web_republisher and TFClient) to communicate, I can clean the code and make it robust.

MatthijsBurgh commented 1 year ago

As long as you only changed code inside the functions, you should still be able to compile the library. Once you start adding classes. I think these should be in their own file. (Not 100% sure). And don't forget to extend the index files in that case.