RobotWebTools / roslibjs

The Standard ROS JavaScript Library
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high speed CAN bus data missing messages #657

Open rvxfahim opened 6 months ago

rvxfahim commented 6 months ago

Description I am subscribing to a topic where the publisher is publishing data every 20ms from a ESP32. the json data is around 100 bytes. I can do rostopic echo /my_topic and verify that all messages are coming and none of them are missed in the terminal and the same is true for a python subscriber where no data is missing. However, if I debug the subscriber in nodered it shows some json messages are skipping. For e.g. I am supposed to receive 10, then 20 , then 30 in one of the key values which is increasing by 10, but nodered debug shows jumps from 10 to 50 then 60 then 90.

I tried using a rate limit and set it to 0.01 (10ms) that didn't help either.