RobotWebTools / webrtc_ros

Streaming of ROS Image Topics using WebRTC
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Failed to initialize the ADM #57

Open mpena2099 opened 3 years ago

mpena2099 commented 3 years ago


$ docker run --network=host -t -i webrtc_ros /bin/bash $ roslaunch webrtc_ros webrtc_ros.launch

And then, on browser, when I click on the image topic, that is what I get on ROS:

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [448]

setting /run_id to abf3a702-5c5e-11eb-a5ae-5cc9d377293b
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [458]
started core service [/rosout]
process[ice_server_provider-2]: started with pid [465]
process[webrtc_server-3]: started with pid [466]

// Fatal error in: ../../../../src/webrtc/build/webrtc/src/media/engine/, line 39
// last system error: 88
// Check failed: 0 == adm->Init() (0 vs. -1)
// Failed to initialize the ADM.[webrtc_server-3] process has died [pid 466, exit code -6, cmd /home/webrtc_ws/devel_isolated/webrtc_ros/lib/webrtc_ros/webrtc_ros_server_node __name:=webrtc_server __log:=/root/.ros/log/abf3a702-5c5e-11eb-a5ae-5cc9d377293b/webrtc_server-3.log].
log file: /root/.ros/log/abf3a702-5c5e-11eb-a5ae-5cc9d377293b/webrtc_server-3*.log

Any ideia?

Thanks! Mauricio

mpena2099 commented 3 years ago

I still think this is a bug but to be able to solve it:

The reason is that ubuntu has no sound by default. The way to turn on the root sound: vi /root/.profile add

pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog

So, in the docker container:

$ pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog
$ roslaunch webrtc_ros webrtc_ros.launch

It still didn't work, but the error has been eliminated.

mpena2099 commented 3 years ago

OK, it is working but not in Firefox, as #40.

roehling commented 3 years ago

The relevant HTTP/1.1 fix is in the revived async_web_server_cpp package here. The package is released and waiting for sync with the main repository. In the meantime, you can compile it yourself, or take it from ros-testing.

mpena2099 commented 3 years ago

The relevant HTTP/1.1 fix is in the revived async_web_server_cpp package here. The package is released and waiting for sync with the main repository. In the meantime, you can compile it yourself, or take it from ros-testing.

The "ros-testing" didn't work but compile the package did! :smiley:

yy-tayu commented 1 year ago

Hi ~ ( IsSupported ( C:\WINDOWS\system32\audioses.dll ( webrtc::webrtc_win::CoreAudioBase::CoreAudioBase[Output] ( Automatic restart: 1 ( Windows version: 5 ( CreateDeviceEnumerator ( webrtc::webrtc_win::CoreAudioBase::CoreAudioBase:Registered endpoint notification callback. ( webrtc::webrtc_win::CoreAudioOutput::CoreAudioOutput ( webrtc::webrtc_win::CoreAudioBase::CoreAudioBase[Input] ( Automatic restart: 1 ( Windows version: 5 ( CreateDeviceEnumerator ( webrtc::webrtc_win::CoreAudioBase::CoreAudioBase:Registered endpoint notification callback. ( webrtc::webrtc_win::CoreAudioInput::CoreAudioInput ( webrtc::webrtc_win::CreateWindowsCoreAudioAudioDeviceModuleFromInputAndOutput ( webrtc::webrtc_win::anonymous-namespace'::WindowsAudioDeviceModule::WindowsAudioDeviceModule ( Injected APM submodules: Echo control factory: 0 Echo detector: 0 Capture analyzer: 0 Capture post processor: 0 Render pre processor: 0 ( WebRtcVoiceEngine::WebRtcVoiceEngine ( WebRtcVideoEngine::WebRtcVideoEngine() ( WebRtcVoiceEngine::Init ( webrtc::webrtc_win::anonymous-namespace'::WindowsAudioDeviceModule::Init

I seem to have a similar problem on Windows.

Any ideia?

Thanks! Yu

yy-tayu commented 1 year ago

it is working, I modified the file webrtc\rtc_base\synchronization\sequence_checker.h

#define RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(x)
#if 0
  webrtc::webrtc_seq_check_impl::SequenceCheckerScope seq_check_scope(x); \
  RTC_DCHECK((x)->IsCurrent()) << webrtc::ExpectationToString(x)          