RobotWithFeelings / CSC710_Project

Repo CSC710 Project
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Reference List #4

Open meneal opened 8 years ago

meneal commented 8 years ago

Here's the list, strike through anything you've read already:

Just try to edit this and strikethrough whatever we've already read. Strikethrough in github flavored markdown is "~~" on either side of whatever you want to strike out.

My hope is that we can get this finished up today and split the papers from there.

acmarrs commented 8 years ago

PR and I have marked the papers we'll be responsible for writing related work paragraphs for. There are 14 papers above, but I thought we had around 17. Are we missing some?

meneal commented 8 years ago

I only find 14 in the sharelatex bibliography... Are there more somewhere else that I'm just not finding?

meneal commented 8 years ago

One other thing, do we actually need to write a summary for the Lung paper? We all theoretically already read the whole thing and sat through an hour long discussion of it...

acmarrs commented 8 years ago

I think our "summary" should simply be the 3-4 sentences we want about that paper written directly into the ShareLatex. This should make Shaown's life a lot easier as he edits and glues them all together into a sensible whole.

meneal commented 8 years ago

Maybe we should put those summaries into some separate file. Seems like it might be easier that way. I've added something called blob.tex. Use or do not use, whichever is clever.

botwithfeelings commented 8 years ago

I have marked down the two that were left.

meneal commented 8 years ago

I never got around to adding that blob.tex file. Based on a chat with Shaown this afternoon he preferred just an md in the repo. So I added one to the root of the 710 repo here. I'm putting some stuff under my links.

prgoodwin commented 8 years ago

I didn't see a blob.tex in sharelatex, so I went ahead and made a new one under the final template folder. (sorry if this is causing a duplicate somewhere).

I dropped in 3 of my 4 summaries. Next one to come by tomorrow.

meneal commented 8 years ago

There are a bunch here in this markdown. I've moved the ones you've already added there. Sorry for the confusion about the blob.tex thing. Shaown told me that he preferred us to put them in md.