RobotecAI / ros2-for-unity

High-performance ROS2 solution for Unity3D
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Cannot write some variables in ROS2 messages. #39

Closed Whypac closed 2 years ago

Whypac commented 2 years ago

When a variable's name is the same as the message's type name, Unity will send a compile error.

For example:

rosgraph_msgs.msg.Clock msg = new rosgraph_msgs.msg.Clock(); builtin_interfaces.msg.Time time_msg = new builtin_interfaces.msg.Time(); time_msg.Sec = sec; time_msg.Nanosec = nanosec; msg.Clock = time_msg;

This will cause an error as such: error CS1061: 'Clock' does not contain a definition for 'Clock' and no accessible extension method 'Clock' accepting a first argument of type 'Clock' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Another example: nmea_msgs.msg.Sentence msg = new nmea_msgs.msg.Sentence(); msg.Header.Stamp.Sec = sec; msg.Header.Stamp.Nanosec = nanosec; msg.Sentence = (string)gps.gpgga;

The error: error CS1061: 'Sentence' does not contain a definition for 'Sentence' and no accessible extension method 'Sentence' accepting a first argument of type 'Sentence' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

In the second example, writing the header isn't causing any trouble, so I wonder what causes the problem. I apologize if I have made some simple mistakes. Your help will be appreciated.

adamdbrw commented 2 years ago

@Whypac This is handled automatically. If conflicting name is found, an underscore is appended. For example, here is a fragment of the generated clock.cs file: public builtin_interfaces.msg.Time Clock_ { get; set; }

This is not documented for the user, we will add some clarification. This should help you. After you build ros2 for unity, you can look into generated messages - in the build/<message package name>/rosidl_generator_cs/<message package name>/msg folder.

Whypac commented 2 years ago

@adamdbrw That really helps. Thanks. I'm closing this issue.