I used ros2cs for an experiment using ROS2 topic / service on a Windows GUI application.
Since service was not implemented in ros2cs, I first added only client.
service will be added in the future.
The service only tested example_interfaces / srv / add_two_ints. Others have not been verified.
The platform is Ubuntu 22.04 (or Windows) + Galactic.
Since build did not pass in my environment, some modifications that are not related to the addition of services are included in order to force build to pass.
Start of the created client.
ros2 run ros2cs_examples ros2cs_client
service uses Galactic's demo_nodes_cpp.
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp add_two_ints_server
hello I used ros2cs for an experiment using ROS2 topic / service on a Windows GUI application. Since service was not implemented in ros2cs, I first added only client. service will be added in the future. The service only tested example_interfaces / srv / add_two_ints. Others have not been verified. The platform is Ubuntu 22.04 (or Windows) + Galactic.
Start of the created client. ros2 run ros2cs_examples ros2cs_client service uses Galactic's demo_nodes_cpp. ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp add_two_ints_server