The implemented controller depends on visual odometry for control and navigation; however, no interface exists in the current implementation that supports providing visual estimates.
Feature Description
Implement an ArUco tag detection interface that publishes identified positions and velocities to the Ardupilot EKF for odometry estimation.
Alternative Solutions
Other solutions exist, including implementing support for a DVL or USBL; however, as a baseline implementation, a simple ArUco tag detection interface can be implemented.
Additional Context
Here is a reference implementation for ROS Noetic.
Feature Type
Adding new functionality to Angler
Problem Description
The implemented controller depends on visual odometry for control and navigation; however, no interface exists in the current implementation that supports providing visual estimates.
Feature Description
Implement an ArUco tag detection interface that publishes identified positions and velocities to the Ardupilot EKF for odometry estimation.
Alternative Solutions
Other solutions exist, including implementing support for a DVL or USBL; however, as a baseline implementation, a simple ArUco tag detection interface can be implemented.
Additional Context
Here is a reference implementation for ROS Noetic.