A common type of low-level controller for AUVs/ROVs is nonlinear model predictive control (NPMC). Providing support for it would be beneficial, as it requires minimal tuning and can generate optimal control actions while accommodating nonlinearities.
Feature Description
Implement NMPC as a ros2_controller.
Alternative Solutions
Additional Context
Planning to use acados and casadi for the implementation.
Feature Type
Adding new functionality to the project
Problem Description
A common type of low-level controller for AUVs/ROVs is nonlinear model predictive control (NPMC). Providing support for it would be beneficial, as it requires minimal tuning and can generate optimal control actions while accommodating nonlinearities.
Feature Description
Implement NMPC as a ros2_controller.
Alternative Solutions
Additional Context
Planning to use acados and casadi for the implementation.