RoboticExplorationLab / TrajectoryOptimization.jl

A fast trajectory optimization library written in Julia
MIT License
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Problem in runnning the example #80

Open yj-Tang opened 8 months ago

yj-Tang commented 8 months ago


Thanks for sharing the nice package. However, I met with the error when I run the examples "Cartpole.ipynb" and "Quadrotor.ipynb":

The following package names could not be resolved:

  • QuadraticObjective (not found in project, manifest or registry)

I can not find QuadraticObject package in "Project.toml". Is the QuadraticObject a package which has not been published? Can you share it and update "Project.toml"?

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Best wishes, Yujie

SkylerHawkins commented 5 months ago

Hey I was having this problem in both the files you mentioned when trying to precompile the Altro library. I just managed to fix it and all I had to do was change the compatible version of Altro from "0.3" to "0.4" in the examples/Project.toml file and run Pkg.update() afterwards.

However, now I'm getting a different error that reads "MethodError: Cannot convert an object of type. FiniteDiff.JacobianCache{Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, UnitRange{Int64}, Nothing, Val{:forward}(), Float64}", but nevertheless I was able to precompile and import Altro so that part of the problem was fixed.