RoboticsBrno / ServoESP32

⚙️ Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework.
MIT License
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Different values for write() and read() #13

Open elalemanyo opened 3 years ago

elalemanyo commented 3 years ago

Hi, First of all thanks for your code. I am starting with ESP32 and I did a small snippet to control a servo with a webpage. All works good but I add an api route to the server to read the position of the servo, and there is always a difference of 1 degree. I do for example myServo.write(90), and when I do I get 89, is this normal? is because of my servo? I am using one old hitec HS-300


JarekParal commented 1 year ago

It seems as rounding issue in the inside a library code. Mark this issue as a bug.