RoboticsClubatUCF / AGV

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Robot Model(s) #2

Closed wesfletch closed 2 years ago

wesfletch commented 2 years ago

Create a Gazebo model (.sdf/.urdf) of RFKAB, ideally up-to-date with the mechanical design, that we can use to simulate our robot.

The Mechanical team is designing RFKAB in Fusion360, so step one is to see if we can somehow export that Fusion360 file (.stl?) into something we can use, like URDF or SDF, so we don't have to re-do their work. Here's some possible resources:

Next, we'll have to do some work on that .sdf/.urdf to make it ready for simulation: adding plugins, verifying physics/collisions, setting up TF.

Last I heard, there is a model ready. Talk to Connor Henry from the Mech. team.

Deliverables: 1) Get a .urdf/.sdf file, then 2) Set up sensor and drive plugins, physics/collisions, and whatever else we need to simulate this thing.

wesfletch commented 2 years ago
