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Processing sonar readings from ultrasonic sensors #7

Open klaki892 opened 7 years ago

klaki892 commented 7 years ago

This task involves processing the raw readings from our ultrasonic sensors so that decision making can be made from these readings later on.

A ROS Node will be needed for this task, where the Node will take data input (messages) containing the data and returning/sending a message indicating the distance the quadcopter is from whatever object the sensor just received input from.

Sample input would need to be used for testing until Issue #5 is completed.

Azimath commented 7 years ago shows a library that drives ultrasonic distance sensors from the Odroid with python, but requires some modification to use the sensors you have. Your sensors have separate trigger and return pins, while the sensors in this library share a pin. The source shows how that function works, and modifying it to have a separate gpio for transmit and receive should be trivial.