RoboticsIIITH / summer-sessions-2019

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Topics in Multiple-view Geometry #6

Open karnikram opened 5 years ago

karnikram commented 5 years ago

Hello all,

We'll begin discussing topics in multiple-view geometry from Wednesday, the 15th. Keep an eye on the schedule for the topics that will be covered and related material.

karnikram commented 5 years ago

This lecture on Homogeneous coordinates is a pre-requisite. Slides are available here.

karnikram commented 5 years ago

Material for today's class has been uploaded. The next class will be on Friday, the 17th.

karnikram commented 5 years ago

Material for today's class has been uploaded. The next class will be on Monday, the 20th. It is important that you review the material covered so far for the next class.

karnikram commented 5 years ago

There is a change in the schedule. Today's class will be on Stereo, and will be handled by @ma8sa. The MVG-3 class will happen tomorrow.

karnikram commented 5 years ago

Today's class is being pushed to tomorrow. Extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused.

karnikram commented 5 years ago

Material for today's class has been uploaded.

Answers for the quiz can be found here.

With partial points awarded, Average: 4.12/11 Highest: 8.5/11 Lowest: 0.5/11 Total responses (anonymous) were 8.

Question-wise distribution (only completely correct answers were considered): quiz_dist

Note: The size of a general BA jacobian is actually 11m + 3n, remember we need to take the derivative with respect to every 3d point and every view. I incorrectly mentioned during class that it was 14, even though I conveyed the correct size on the board. The corresponding question in the quiz was omitted during checking.

It also seems like some people used the internet for some answers, but I'll let that pass.

Overall, the performance is quite poor considering all the questions were direct.