RoboticsIIITH / summer-sessions-2019

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Lectures on Deep Learning #8

Closed sarthaksharma13 closed 5 years ago

sarthaksharma13 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Coming Thursday we would start with lectures on Deep Learning. The expectations is that theory uploaded here would be read before coming to the lectures. We would be covering 3 assignments (minimally) during the sessions which would last 5-7 days. For the Thursday (23 May 2019) session, please read the following before the class : Intro : Chap 1: Chap 2:

talsperre commented 5 years ago

For tomorrow's lecture, bring your own laptops with working internet connection (3G or 4G net). All tutorials will be done on Google Colab so internet connection is a must.

sarthaksharma13 commented 5 years ago

Here are a few reads to be done for different optimization methods :

sarthaksharma13 commented 5 years ago

Code for today's class (27/5/19) :

  1. CIFAR10 :
  2. Finetune CIFAR 100 :
sarthaksharma13 commented 5 years ago

Task 1 : Aim : To get familiar with different network designs and hyperparameter search. Try methods to normalize the data. Have a look at different architectures like VGGNet, AlexNet, ResNet etc.

Task 2: Aim : To get familiar with performance of the network when variation in the dataset occurs. Try to reason about that using plots.

Deadline for both the tasks : 3 June 11:59 PM.

talsperre commented 5 years ago

Read this lesson once before coming for tomorrow's lecture:

talsperre commented 5 years ago

Bring your own laptops with working internet connection (3G or 4G net). All tutorials will be done on Google Colab so internet connection is a must.

talsperre commented 5 years ago

The notebook for todays class:

AnirudhaRamesh commented 5 years ago

Could we be given access to ADA anytime soon? Training our models for this assignment and beyond is taking very long with our local machines + colab, floydhub etc free tier platforms. Thanks in advance

talsperre commented 5 years ago

Send a mail to in the following format.

Please make an ADA account for me as I need it for pursuing my research. The details are 
given below:

Name: X
Research Center: RRC (Robotics Research Center)
Faculty Advisor: Professor Madhava Krishna
Preferred Login Id: X