Roboticy3 / Mess

Mess is a silly videogame idea I had that I'm making in Godot Engine, it lets people make their own chess variants. Right now it doesn't work, look at README for details.
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Can you build a Korean chess engine? #2

Open cjssh1002 opened 2 years ago

Roboticy3 commented 2 years ago


Roboticy3 commented 2 years ago

like Janggi?

maybe, ill figure it out later I'll update the wiki one day to make more sense, but depending on how Janggi works it should be possible

Roboticy3 commented 2 years ago

Listen, I got to get western chess working first, I'm still a long way from coding winning conditions and checkmate algorithms and the sort. I cannot build Korean chess, much less any chess right now. But I'll leave this issue open until I can. Thanks for checking out my project!

Roboticy3 commented 2 years ago

You mean engine like robots to play the game? I don't do that here, I'm just building infrastructure to let people make and play their own chess variants. I could add A.I. to the project list, but I'm swamped as is and its not my top priority. Sorry if this wasn't what you were looking for. Learning how stockfish and other algorithms work and generalizing them to turn based piece-moving games would be my approach for something like this projects, where pieces and boards are abstract concepts with the details of their mechanics sorted out later.