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Segmentation fault (core dumped) Rviz2 for Depth Camera #38

Closed badriawan closed 1 week ago

badriawan commented 1 month ago

Describe your issue

cannot display depth camera rviz2

Steps to reproduce ( commands you ran - in order )

ros2 launch robot_sensing

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/yusuf/.ros/log/2024-08-02-08-32-42-170361-yusuf-HP-ENVY-Laptop-13-ad1xx-128345 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [INFO] [gazebo-1]: process started with pid [128346] [INFO] [robot_state_publisher-2]: process started with pid [128348] [INFO] [joint_state_publisher-3]: process started with pid [128350] [INFO] []: process started with pid [128352] [robot_state_publisher-2] [WARN] [1722562362.304031642] [robot_state_publisher]: No robot_description parameter, but command-line argument available. Assuming argument is name of URDF file. This backwards compatibility fallback will be removed in the future. [robot_state_publisher-2] [WARN] [1722562362.310648232] [kdl_parser]: The root link base has an inertia specified in the URDF, but KDL does not support a root link with an inertia. As a workaround, you can add an extra dummy link to your URDF. [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1722562362.310711997] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment base [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1722562362.310741349] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment camera [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1722562362.310749903] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment caster [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1722562362.310757264] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment lidar [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1722562362.310764321] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment wheel_left_link [robot_state_publisher-2] [INFO] [1722562362.310771619] [robot_state_publisher]: got segment wheel_right_link [] [INFO] [1722562362.781287933] [robot_spawner]: Spawn Entity started [] [INFO] [1722562362.782114498] [robot_spawner]: Loading entity published on topic /robot_description [] /opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/ UserWarning: DurabilityPolicy.RMW_QOS_POLICY_DURABILITY_TRANSIENT_LOCAL is deprecated. Use DurabilityPolicy.TRANSIENT_LOCAL instead. [] warnings.warn( [] [INFO] [1722562362.784952061] [robot_spawner]: Waiting for entity xml on /robot_description [gazebo-1] Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.10.2 [gazebo-1] Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation. [gazebo-1] Released under the Apache 2 License. [gazebo-1] [gazebo-1] [gazebo-1] Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 11.10.2 [gazebo-1] Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation. [gazebo-1] Released under the Apache 2 License. [gazebo-1] [gazebo-1] [] [INFO] [1722562362.868931693] [robot_spawner]: Waiting for service /spawn_entity, timeout = 30 [] [INFO] [1722562362.869644352] [robot_spawner]: Waiting for service /spawn_entity [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562363.449899833] [gazebo_ros_node]: ROS was initialized without arguments. [] [INFO] [1722562364.127646140] [robot_spawner]: Calling service /spawn_entity [gazebo-1] [Msg] Waiting for master. [gazebo-1] [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @ [gazebo-1] [Msg] Publicized address: [gazebo-1] [Msg] Loading world file [/usr/share/gazebo-11/worlds/] [gazebo-1] [Wrn] [] Warning: Deleting a connection right after creation. Make sure to save the ConnectionPtr from a Connect call [gazebo-1] [Msg] Waiting for master. [gazebo-1] [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @ [gazebo-1] [Msg] Publicized address: [gazebo-1] [Wrn] [] Warning: Deleting a connection right after creation. Make sure to save the ConnectionPtr from a Connect call [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562364.776211683] [camera_controller]: Publishing camera info to [/front_camera/camera_info] [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562364.777373744] [camera_controller]: Publishing depth camera info to [/front_camera/depth/camera_info] [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562364.778361991] [camera_controller]: Publishing pointcloud to [/front_camera/points] [] [INFO] [1722562364.795458293] [robot_spawner]: Spawn status: SpawnEntity: Successfully spawned entity [diff_drive_bot] [gazebo-1] [WARN] [1722562364.808381307] [diffbot_lidar]: missing , defaults to sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562364.921236302] [gazebo_base_controller]: Wheel pair 1 separation set to [0.500000m] [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562364.921303843] [gazebo_base_controller]: Wheel pair 1 diameter set to [0.300000m] [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562364.923278521] [gazebo_base_controller]: Subscribed to [/cmd_vel] [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562364.927092679] [gazebo_base_controller]: Advertise odometry on [/odom] [gazebo-1] [INFO] [1722562364.930684744] [gazebo_base_controller]: Publishing odom transforms between [odom] and [base_footprint] [INFO] []: process has finished cleanly [pid 128352]

Second Terminal :

[INFO] [1722562382.747671520] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [INFO] [1722562382.747863964] [rviz2]: OpenGl version: 4.6 (GLSL 4.6) [INFO] [1722562382.818734993] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED [INFO] [1722562505.848816799] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED Segmentation fault (core dumped)

What was the expected result?

display the camera and image

Put here any screenshots or videos link

Screenshot from 2024-08-02 08-43-46

badriawan commented 1 month ago

Screenshot from 2024-08-02 08-45-20

badriawan commented 1 month ago

Screenshot from 2024-08-02 08-47-56