RobotnikAutomation / summit_xl_sim

Packages for the simulation of the Summit XL, Summit XL HL and Summit-X (including X-WAM) robots
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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summit_xl_control crashes as soon as I launch #10

Closed ktiwari9 closed 4 years ago

ktiwari9 commented 8 years ago

I get the following error as soon as I launch the summit_xl_control to get a link between odom and base_link. [ INFO] [1441269232.456259714, 0.241000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.

[summit_xl/summit_xl_robot_control-10] process has died [pid 13889, exit code -11, cmd /home/toshiba/catkin_ws/devel/lib/summit_xl_robot_control/summit_xl_robot_control __name:=summit_xl_robot_control __log:=/home/toshiba/.ros/log/664a1aea-5216-11e5-b082-e06995342d97/summit_xl-summit_xl_robot_control-10.log]. log file: /home/toshiba/.ros/log/664a1aea-5216-11e5-b082-e06995342d97/summit_xl-summit_xl_robot_control-10*.log

My tf tree is shown below. I have 2 robots. one husky and one summit so I am using a namespace for summit as summit_xl. I dont understand why is there a tf from /gazebo from /map->/odom but not via the summit_controller_node.


dani-carbonell commented 8 years ago

I guess you are using Hydro, since "summit_xl_robot_control" was deprecated in Indigo. I also guess that you refer to the transform being published by /gazebo between /odom and /summit_xl/base_footprint. Is this right? Note that "summit_controller_node" does not exist in this simulation. It should only exist in the real robot of the smaller version of the SummitXL.

RoBoLog commented 7 years ago

Hi, I cant make the summit_xl move in gazebo, by using rqt. I checked both the summit_xl_control.yaml file and also the urdf for the rubber wheels. the type of controller for each wheel is consitent with the hardware interface mentioned in the wheel urdf file.

type: velocity_controllers/JointVelocityController (controller.yaml)

VelocityJointInterface (wheel urdf) I can't figure out what is wrong. Its the same case both for the summit_xl and summit_xl_omni...they do not move at all. where as summit_xl_hls_omni moves but for that the type of controller is type: effort_controllers/JointEffortController I can't figure it out this paradox...!! Can you help please...!!