We are trying to localize the robot in gazebo using aruco marker. We have successfully loaded the marker into gazebo, detected it, and obtained the transformation between camera frame and marker frame using aruco_ros (https://github.com/pal-robotics/aruco_ros) package. The transform between them obtained from tf package is in excellent agreement with the one obtained from the package.
However, the physical location of marker frame is not the same when we visualize it in RviZ. Please see the image below
As shown above, the location of marker frame in RViz does not match with that of gazebo. This really confuses us because we are not clear which dictates the physical location of marker in reality
Any help on this issue would be appreciated.
We are trying to localize the robot in gazebo using aruco marker. We have successfully loaded the marker into gazebo, detected it, and obtained the transformation between camera frame and marker frame using aruco_ros (https://github.com/pal-robotics/aruco_ros) package. The transform between them obtained from tf package is in excellent agreement with the one obtained from the package.
However, the physical location of marker frame is not the same when we visualize it in RviZ. Please see the image below
As shown above, the location of marker frame in RViz does not match with that of gazebo. This really confuses us because we are not clear which dictates the physical location of marker in reality
Any help on this issue would be appreciated. Thanks