RobotsAndPencils / buford

A push notification delivery engine for the new HTTP/2 APNS service.
MIT License
474 stars 52 forks source link

add location type to header #100

Open KerryJava opened 2 years ago

KerryJava commented 2 years ago

Please ensure that you are using the latest version of Buford and its dependencies before reporting an issue. Use the -u flag with go get as described in the README.

NOTE: please don't include your device token or certificate password in issues.

  1. What version of Go are you using (go version)?
  2. What operating system (GOOS) are you using (go env) and what version?
  3. What did you do? (steps to reproduce or a code sample is helpful) to push location type notification.
  4. What did you expect to see? new feature, iOS15 support new push type (location). and jwt push token instead cert.
  5. What did you see instead? but project does not support these feature yet.