RobotsAndPencils / buford

A push notification delivery engine for the new HTTP/2 APNS service.
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Token Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) #63

Open nathany opened 8 years ago

nathany commented 8 years ago

What's New in the Apple Push Notification Service

Starting with a review of the HTTP/2 based provider API, you will learn about an important new feature: Token Based Authentication. Learn to connect to APNs using authentication tokens for sending pushes via the HTTP/2 API, relieving you of the overhead associated with maintaining valid certificates.


nathany commented 8 years ago

There are several JWT libraries for Go:

@groob suggests

Header: alg (algorithm) ES256 kid (key identifier used to sign the token)

Claims: iss (developer key ID) iat (seconds since epoch)

authorization = bearer thetoken

status 403 reason: InvalidProviderToken ExpiredProviderToken (within the last hour, reuse token as long as valid)

APNS will continue to support certificate authentication.

nathany commented 8 years ago

The API needs to support both certificate and token based authentication.

It won't be necessary to load a certificate or configure the HTTP/2 client with Go 1.6.1 or better, instead just create a service:

service := push.NewService(http.DefaultClient, host)

Q: should it be necessary to import http just to specify http.DefaultClient or should nil do the same thing? (then either would work)

Perhaps authorization/bearer is just another push.Header with some other functions or instructions to help build it (depending on whether Buford does the JWT part or not). Also, there are more error reasons to add.

I kind've like the idea of letting the user do the JWT stuff themselves, or at least independent of the push package. Then just provide an example of using it.

It may make sense to move NewClient out of the push package as it is the only thing that requires the x/net/http2 dependency. Possibly into the certificate package?

nathany commented 8 years ago does some validations against various (Go) libraries.

nathany commented 8 years ago

This could remove the dependency on x/net/http2 which would mean NewClient could remain in the push package for users still using client certificates from Apple.

nathany commented 8 years ago

"At WWDC 2016, we announced token-based authentication, a new and simple way for notification providers to authenticate with the Apple Push Notification services (APNs) without the need for app-specific SSL certificates. Token-based authentication reduces the overhead of monitoring and renewing expiring certificates each year. In addition, you can use a single token to send notifications to each one of your apps."

nathany commented 6 years ago