RobustFieldAutonomyLab / turtlebot_exploration_3d

Autonomous Exploration package for a Turtulebot equiped with RGBD Sensor(Kinect, Xtion)
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Waiting for the move_base action server to come up | gazebo | ros kinetic #13

Closed pineappleKID closed 4 years ago

pineappleKID commented 4 years ago

Ubuntu 16.04 ROS kinetic

I followed the instruction in and I also replacing minimal_explo.launch with the one in otherwise there will be an error with rapp manager.

After running turtlebot_exploration_3d, the robot will rotate and then generate candidate view points. But then it will log info

[ INFO] [1603798634.243095609, 271.694000000]: Waiting for the move_base action server to come up [ INFO] [1603798639.248807206, 276.694000000]: Waiting for the move_base action server to come up

and won't move. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

More details I ran the simulation with the following commands.

roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch world_file:='/opt/ros/kinetic/share/turtlebot_gazebo/worlds/'
roslaunch turtlebot_exploration_3d minimal_explo.launch 3d_sensor:=kinect simulation:=true battery:=None
roslaunch turtlebot_exploration_3d turtlebot_gmapping.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_exploration_3d exploration_rviz.launch
rosrun  turtlebot_exploration_3d turtlebot_exploration_3d
pineappleKID commented 4 years ago

If rosrun turtlebot_exploration_3d turtlebot_exploration_3d /camera/depth_registered/points:=/camera/depth/points instead of editting turtlebot_gazebo.urdf.xacro, the same problem will appear.

pineappleKID commented 4 years ago


ubuntu 16.04 rosdistro: kinetic rosversion: 1.12.14 gazebo-7

Some modification

  1. since it is the simulation in gazebo, we don't need to launch luanch/minimal_explo.luanch
  2. since it is the simulation in gazebo, we don't need to launch $(find turtlebot_bringup)/launch/3dsensor.launch in luanch/turtlebo_gmapping.launch
  3. According to and, in src/turtlebot_exploration_3d.cpp should be in string format and should be "OcTree" now
roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch  world_file:='YOUR_WORLD'
roslaunch turtlebot_exploration_3d turtlebot_gmapping.launch scan_topic:=/scan
roslaunch turtlebot_exploration_3d exploration_rviz.launch
rosrun  turtlebot_exploration_3d turtlebot_exploration_3d /camera/depth_registered/points:=/camera/depth/points

where YOUR_WORLD is the absolute file name of your world file.