Log Chunk 1
[2023-07-07T07:59:42Z] INFO -- Migration started by vgm1_roche from https://github.com/Roche/spock-geb-quickstart to DIA-RnDIT/spock-geb-quickstart
[2023-07-07T07:59:42Z] INFO -- Migration ID: 7b7b679d-1ac6-460f-b00c-f0930b5f4aa3
[2023-07-07T07:59:42Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2023-07-07T07:59:42Z] INFO -- Git source migration started
[2023-07-07T08:00:24Z] INFO -- Git source migration completed
[2023-07-07T08:00:24Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2023-07-07T08:00:24Z] INFO -- Extraction started
[2023-07-07T08:00:32Z] INFO -- Extraction complete
[2023-07-07T08:00:32Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2023-07-07T08:00:32Z] INFO -- Transformation started
[2023-07-07T08:00:54Z] INFO -- Transformation complete
[2023-07-07T08:00:54Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2023-07-07T08:00:54Z] INFO -- Import started
[2023-07-07T08:01:10Z] INFO -- Import complete
[2023-07-07T08:01:10Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2023-07-07T08:01:10Z] INFO -- Migration complete
[2023-07-07T08:01:10Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
This is an auto-generated issue. The migration log is in the following comment(s).