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How to set up Transmogrification for 3.3.5a (Jeutie's Blizzlike Repack rev 0.9.5) #10

Closed DanGerK closed 10 years ago

DanGerK commented 10 years ago

Hello there Rochet2, I saw your Transmogrification Post ( I got GitHub for Windows and I tried to use direct merge already. Those 2 commands did work, but now I don't know where the "Pulled"-Things went to and I still dont understand how to compile. Which folder must be compiled actually and which FREE compiler can be used. I also tried compiling the Zip-Folder with CMake 3 and I used CodeBlocks in CMake and I also got Open SSL, but I still have errors. I am a total noob to all this, but I want to use Transmogrification on my Server. Could you please explain the whole thing Step-by-Step or could you do it for me through TeamViewer9. I'd like to use Transmog on my server so could you please help me?

DanGerK commented 10 years ago

I also tried this: I took the patch + the content from the zip in one folder, used gitbash and the command "git apply transmog.patch" and ony errors came out. I tried to upload screens from the errorreports but it didn't work.

Rochet2 commented 10 years ago

Follow these:

After cloning the TC source, use direct merge or apply the patch. Direct merge will less likely error if some change affected the patch.

Then continue with the TC compiling guide normally.

After compiling and setting up the databases you should take a look at the "after compiling" part of installation guide.

DanGerK commented 10 years ago

But what Folder to compile? The whole trinitycore thing seems to be too big for me. I already set my trinitycore server up, using Jeutie's Blizzlike Repack rev 0.9.5 and I already cloned the trinitycore thing. I got a working Database (mysql) + HeidiSQL. I'd like to simply have a working Transmog "Extension" on my already existing server.

DanGerK commented 10 years ago

Maybe I can prepare my system for the whole process and you just finish it through TeamViewer9 on my PC. I feel too dumb to get this to work. Do you have skype for example?

Rochet2 commented 10 years ago

A little reluctant to provide support on how to compile the core. I see you already succeeded in adding transmog to your source through direct merge before, so the issues you face dont have much to do with transmog in that case.

You should provide the errors you get. Otherwise ask help on TC forums, irc or other emulation forums for compiling the core. You should know how to compile the core first. After you succeed with that, you should try adding transmogrification, if you have issues with adding transmogrification, I will help with those.

ps. If you are on windows, use VisualStudio 2013