Rochet2 / Issues

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Compiling issue's getting error's on most off your work. #33

Closed Saurfang91 closed 8 years ago

Saurfang91 commented 8 years ago

Hello Rochet!

i have been trying a few days now with no luck, tryed reforger - transmoger but seems like i get a lot off error's when trying to compile them.

2>D:\WoW Server Stuff\Trinity 3.3.5a Core\Trinity\src\server\scripts\Custom\custom_script_loader.cpp(20): fatal error C1020: unexpected #endif 3>------ Build started: Project: worldserver, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 3>scripts.lib(custom_script_loader.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl AddSC_NPC_TransmogDisplayVendor(void)" (?AddSC_NPC_TransmogDisplayVendor@@YAXXZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl AddCustomScripts(void)" (?AddCustomScripts@@YAXXZ) 3>scripts.lib(spell_generic.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned int __cdecl TransmogDisplayVendorMgr::GetFakeEntry(class Item const *)" (?GetFakeEntry@TransmogDisplayVendorMgr@@SAIPBVItem@@@Z) referenced in function "private: void __thiscall spell_gen_clone_weapon_aura::spell_gen_clone_weapon_auraScript::OnApply(class AuraEffect const *,enum AuraEffectHandleModes)" (?OnApply@spell_gen_clone_weapon_auraScript@spell_gen_clone_weapon_aura@@AAEXPBVAuraEffect@@W4AuraEffectHandleModes@@@Z) 3>game.lib(Player.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned int __cdecl TransmogDisplayVendorMgr::GetFakeEntry(class Item const *)" (?GetFakeEntry@TransmogDisplayVendorMgr@@SAIPBVItem@@@Z) 3>game.lib(SpellHandler.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned int __cdecl TransmogDisplayVendorMgr::GetFakeEntry(class Item const *)" (?GetFakeEntry@TransmogDisplayVendorMgr@@SAIPBVItem@@@Z) 3>game.lib(Player.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl TransmogDisplayVendorMgr::HandleTransmogrify(class Player *,class Creature *,unsigned int,unsigned int,bool)" (?HandleTransmogrify@TransmogDisplayVendorMgr@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PAVCreature@@II_N@Z) referenced in function __catch$?BuyItemFromVendorSlot@Player@@QAE_NVObjectGuid@@IIEEE@Z$0 3>game.lib(Player.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: static void __cdecl TransmogDisplayVendorMgr::DeleteFakeEntry(class Player *,class Item *)" (?DeleteFakeEntry@TransmogDisplayVendorMgr@@SAXPAVPlayer@@PAVItem@@@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall Player::MoveItemFromInventory(unsigned char,unsigned char,bool)" (?MoveItemFromInventory@Player@@QAEXEE_N@Z) 3>D:\WoW Server Stuff\Trinity 3.3.5a Core\Build\bin\Release\worldserver.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 2 failed, 19 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

this is what i get with the TransmogDiplayVendor. i also used the .diff, followed the guide you made but seems its no luck. tryed to get new core and build a few times but still no luck... im running the 3.3.5a 335.60 core, would be realy happy if you can guide me true how to fix this :)

Rochet2 commented 8 years ago

Well, cant say much about this based on these errors only. But obviously something is wrong in your custom_script_loader.cpp and you may be using an old diff or a new diff on old source. Or possibly I need to update my work for newest TC as their commits may have broken it.

Can you send the diff you used and the TC version you use?

Saurfang91 commented 8 years ago

here is the following .diff and the TC i use is the 3.3.5 branch TDB 6.03. latest core.

i have never added a script or diff expect the Multivendor you made and that worked great. only thing i wondering about is if i have to use Cmake first to generate it and then do the compiling in the VisualStudio after? (i am using the VS 2015)

Just downloaded and failed same error.

Rochet2 commented 8 years ago

Yes, you should always run cmake when you add/remove files from source - and the diff adds files.

Saurfang91 commented 8 years ago

ah okey maybe try that first then :P il post report back here when done :)

Saurfang91 commented 8 years ago

just asking quick here is it possible to do more then one at a time?

Rochet2 commented 8 years ago

More than one what at a time?

Saurfang91 commented 8 years ago

if i whant more then one .cpp or diff can i do more at a time? or just do one and one with cmake and compiling? and btw that worked like a charm didint know i had to use Cmake first then VS after :D

Saurfang91 commented 8 years ago

i get this error when trying to apply the Transmoger:

$ git apply transmogvendor.diff error: patch failed: src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.cpp:12205 error: src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.cpp: patch does not apply error: patch failed: src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.h:2267 error: src/server/game/Entities/Player/Player.h: patch does not apply error: patch failed: src/server/scripts/Custom/custom_script_loader.cpp:16 error: src/server/scripts/Custom/custom_script_loader.cpp: patch does not apply

anything i can do to fix this? :S

Saurfang91 commented 8 years ago

Worked with direct merge instead :) thnx for you help :)