Closed V3nomAnc3r closed 4 years ago
Not sure what you mean. Complex submenus are supported if you mean those. like
opt03 -> opt11
opt12 -> opt21
opt13 opt22
where any of those could open a vendor - or any other gossip like bank or whatever.
yeah something like that
When i click on opt03, i want see opt11, opt12, opt13
Are you trying to use SQL or C++? In SQL you can make an option open another menu (another menu_id) through ActionMenuID in the gossip_menu_option tables.
@Rochet2 can you give me sample please SQL
And can you fix transmog vendor For azerothcore if you have time!
Hmm .. here is some kind of pseudo code
INSERT INTO gossip_menu_option
(MenuId, OptionId, OptionText, OptionType, ActionMenuId) VALUES
(1000, 1, "opt01", 1, 0),
(1000, 2, "opt02", 1, 0),
(1000, 3, "opt03", 1, 1001), -- see how this references 1001, so it redirects to the menuid 1001
(1001, 1, "opt11", 1, 0),
(1001, 2, "opt12", 1, 0),
(1001, 3, "opt13", 3, 465); -- optiontype 3 signals we want to open a vendor and actionmenuid signals which vendor
and with that setting the gossip_menu_id of a creature to 1000 in creature_template would open the first menu. Dont forget to add vendor and gossip npcflags (129).
@Rochet2 Thank You <3
Hey @Rochet2 How can i create Multi multi shop:D
i mean when i select Head gossip i want add another gossip to the head gossip 😄