Rochet2 / TrinityCore

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AllowMixedWeaponTypes!Buged? #73

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi @Rochet

Can not transmog weapons illidan [Warglaive of Azzinoth] - [Warglaive of Azzinoth]

to onehands or daggers!

just can to use main and off hand for transmog.

i allowed mixed weapons

What should I do?

trinitycore 3.3.5 last

windows 2010 server

Rochet2 commented 6 years ago

Can you give the item entry you used as source of transmogrification and as the target of transmogrification?

ghost commented 6 years ago

transmog items [Warglaive of Azzinoth] main hand and off hand -> id items 32837 & 32838

I want to be trasmog All one hands: sword - daggers - maces - axes

i allowed mixed weapons

but just can to use main and off hand for transmog weapons!

Rochet2 commented 6 years ago

Warglaives are legendary items. Did you set Transmogrification.AllowLegendary = 1?

You did not post what items you used. But depending on what items you try you may need to ignore some requirements by for example setting Transmogrification.IgnoreReqStats = 1

As you can see here, AllowMixedWeaponTypes is not related to "one hand" and "main hand" and "off-hand":

Transmogrification.AllowMixedWeaponTypes` Description: Allow axe to be transmogrified with dagger for example

Main and off-hand weapon models are designed so that they only fit off hand or main hand specifically. The current code does not allow using off hand in main hand or the other way around. Examples: cannot look like since swinetusk shank is one hand and could be equipped to off hand while looking like a main hand weapon. can look like since swinetusk shank is one hand and can be used on main hands, off hands and one hand.

If you are still having trouble then post what items you use and how exactly!!

ghost commented 6 years ago

Transmogrification.AllowUncommon = 1 Transmogrification.AllowRare = 1 Transmogrification.AllowEpic = 1 Transmogrification.AllowLegendary = 1 Transmogrification.AllowHeirloom = 1 Transmogrification.AllowMixedWeaponTypes = 1 Transmogrification.IgnoreReqStats = 1

Not work transmog main hand or off hand to one hand and swords - axe - mace- daggers

Rochet2 commented 6 years ago

Not work transmog main hand or off hand to one hand and swords - axe - mace- daggers

Need item entries.. pls. item entries. Entries of the items you use and test with.

I know it works on my end. Without knowing what items you use I cannot test anything.

ghost commented 6 years ago

item ids : 50736- 50672 - 50654 and more items one hands!

icant transmog to [Warglaive of Azzinoth] ! id 32837 & 32838

just can transmog items by main and off hands!

icant use transmog item legendary Warglaive of Azzinoth to one hands!

Rochet2 commented 6 years ago

You must be able to equip the item you transmogrify to. Is your character able to equip those items? (Is he level 80? Has the Daggers, Swords, Axes skill?)

All works fine for me: With all of those items you listed.

ghost commented 6 years ago

see image not found on menu transmog list

icant transmog to my daggers!

Not in the list [Warglaive of Azzinoth] ! id 32837 & 32838

Rochet2 commented 6 years ago

icant transmog to my daggers!

From all messages, I always understood you tried to transmogrify warglaives to some other look, but this was never the case.

see image not found on menu transmog list

There exist no setting currently to enable transmogrifying one hand items to look like main hand or off-hand items, unfortunately. I already explained that this is intended behavior:

Main and off-hand weapon models are designed so that they only fit off hand or main hand specifically. The current code does not allow using off hand in main hand or the other way around. cannot look like since swinetusk shank is one hand and could be equipped to off hand while looking like a main hand weapon.

You must edit the source code to enable this. Read in the issue below how.

Duplicate of Closing.