Rock-n-Prog / web-ts-monorepo-starter-pack

Feature-heavy monorepo boilerplate for web and mobile apps
MIT License
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Add example auth #89

Open fabien-roy opened 1 year ago

fabien-roy commented 1 year ago


Attack plan:

AliMejbar commented 1 year ago

Is there any update on this ?

fabien-roy commented 1 year ago

@AliMejbar I have an example of tRPC + Next Auth on another project. I might import chunks of the code into this template when I have some free time

fabien-roy commented 1 year ago

The code I'm talking about is for Next.js only. I didn't try with Expo yet since my project doesn't need a mobile app.

Have you tried tRPC + Next Auth + Expo? I've heard it might have some problems, but I'm unsure since I didn't try myself.

AliMejbar commented 1 year ago

I have used tRPC + Next Auth a lot for web with Next.js and it's pretty much straight forward. However, I have not been able to make it work with expo even trying all the proposed solutions in the various discussions and issues. I feel like this is a problem Next Auth should address in their objective to open to other platforms. RN, Flutter and Capacitor for mobile is a must.

fabien-roy commented 1 year ago

Well, in this case, I can't wait to see if the newer project, Auth.js will help with that. Let's hope it does!