RockefellerArchiveCenter / ATReference

The ATReference is an extended version of the Archivists' Toolkit that includes a reference module designed by the Rockefeller Archive Center
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Add Support for Scripting Language (BeanShell) #161

Open ns96 opened 12 years ago

ns96 commented 12 years ago

This is a feature request to add support for the BeanShell ( scripting language to the ATReference through a plugin. BeanShell is a loosely type version of Java that runs as interpreted code. I am already developing such a plugin for use by a graduate student I am mentoring, who wants to develop a plugin to automate renaming of instance labels.

By using this plugin, the programming knowledge required to add simple functionality through programming, is greatly reduced. The person only have to understand how to write simple scripts, rather than how to develop a complete plugin. This might be useful for none developers to add their own functionality through scripts, rather than full plugins.

I have posted the current version of the plugin at the site below. It contains two test scripts, "command1.bsh" and "command2.bsh". command1.bsh simply iterates through resource components and print out information. command3.bsh reads in the instanceData.csv file and creates resource components, instances, and digital objects and attach it to parent component in the resource record. It must be run from the main AT screen when a resource record is selected.

StevensBrian commented 12 years ago

Wow. Command3.bsh in particular looks really interesting and useful. I needed this last year. I suppose that one could build an import that could add patron data to existing patrons in the ATR based on this model.

ns96 commented 12 years ago

Yes, it would be possible to have an importer for that transfers data into existing patron records using this method. I can see such a script being a useful way to move patron data from a spreadsheet into the patron records in bulk. I will keep that in mind when developing some test scripts.

beckyrobbins commented 12 years ago

Since the scripting functionality is derived from a plug-in, then it doesn't need to be tied to any release. More importantly, this plug-in is still in the beta phase so it not necessary for "1.0" release.