RockefellerArchiveCenter / styles

Style Library for the Rockefeller Archive Center
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Set up travis for push to S3 for CDN #119

Closed HaSistrunk closed 2 years ago

HaSistrunk commented 2 years ago

Updates Travis configs to push assets to an s3 bucket. Also updates dependencies and associated updates for linting.

  1. Keeps the existing storybook deploy to the rac-styleguide s3 bucket with no changes (pushes to s3 when merged to base)
  2. When a new release is manually tagged in GitHub, creates a new directory named for that release with the minified css file and pushes both that directory and main.min.css from the /dist directory generated by 'yarn compile` to a different s3 bucker (rac-stylelibrary) when a new release tag is created in GitHub.

Eventually we'll also want to push images and fonts up as assets as well, so the script can be modified to include these.