RockefellerArchiveCenter / styles

Style Library for the Rockefeller Archive Center
MIT License
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Adds a tabs component #188

Closed helrond closed 9 months ago

helrond commented 9 months ago

Adds a tabs component, fixes #147

One thing I considered, but did not do, was add a control for users to switch between visible tabs. Doing that would have required implementing a custom Handlebars helper for string equality, which seemed like more work than it was worth.

HaSistrunk commented 9 months ago

Nice! I don't totally understand the hidden <h2>Contents</h2> here. I see that the GOV.UK design system has that, but wouldn't that potentially cause implementation issues depending on where this component is used on a webpage? And why is it hidden?

helrond commented 9 months ago

I copied that hidden <h2> from the design system, but I have to admit I don't totally understand it either. I looked at the other style libraries and don't see anything like it there so I've removed it.