RockefellerArchiveCenter / styles

Style Library for the Rockefeller Archive Center
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Adds modal styles #77

Closed helrond closed 3 years ago

helrond commented 3 years ago

Adds styles for modal component.


fixes #62

bonniegee commented 3 years ago

It's possible I'm doing something wrong, but I think because the modal is open, I'm unable to view the docs in Storybook (the model is blocking everything).

helrond commented 3 years ago

@bonniegee you're not doing anything wrong, I forgot to check how the docs were rendering. What do folks think about mocking out the open/close functionality of the modal? Given that it's absolutely positioned, that may be the only way to have this embedded in documentation.

This would require writing a small React component, which would not be hard. My concern is that future implementers might have a hard time figuring out what the need to do in order to make the modal work as expected. I suppose that could be mitigated with documentation though. Thoughts?

HaSistrunk commented 3 years ago

So am I understanding correctly that the options you're proposing are to:

  1. Remove <Story story={stories.basic} /> from the documentation and include documentation about what to do to make the modal function as expected. OR
  2. Mock up the open close function of the modal with a react component to demonstrate function.
helrond commented 3 years ago

I was thinking option 2, with some added documentation about how to implement the JS necessary to open/close the modal.

I don't think option 1 is a good one because there would be no preview of the modal, which seems like a nonstarter.

HaSistrunk commented 3 years ago

I was thinking option 2, with some added documentation about how to implement the JS necessary to open/close the modal. I don't think option 1 is a good one because there would be no preview of the modal, which seems like a nonstarter.

Seems like the way to go if you're down to do it.

HaSistrunk commented 3 years ago
