RockefellerUniversity / profileplyr

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Unequal Bigwig lengths gives error #10

Open matthew-paul-2006 opened 1 year ago

matthew-paul-2006 commented 1 year ago

I created some custom bigwigs, based on specific properties of reads in my initial BAMs. This resulted in large portions of the resulting bigwigs being empty. While creating these files, any empty regions on the end of chromosomes were cut off, resulting in a truncation relative to my reference genome. When I then tried to create my profileplyr object it got upset and got this error:

Error in method(object) : all assays must have the same nrow and ncol
Calls: <Anonymous> ... validObject -> anyStrings -> isTRUE -> validityMethod -> method

This seems to be caused by the bigwigs provided having several chromosomes that are unequal in length. By preventing the truncation of my bigwigs, and ensuring the chromosomes in my bigwigs are of equal length, I can avoid this error and get some lovely region plots.