RocketChat / Apps.Rasa

Integration between Rocket.Chat and the RASA Chatbot platform
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which function calls post method to start a request? #16

Closed xkungfu closed 3 years ago

xkungfu commented 3 years ago

I am looking for why Apps.Rasa lost rich messages fields of rasa response, such as quick reply, blocks,and attachments...

very strange I can't find the code of Apps.Rasa, search whole project by keyword rasa, nothing founded.

I compare the project files between before insalled Apps.Rasa and after , not found new files of Apps.Rasa,

very confused.

and can't find which function call http request through "post" method in "/programs/server/npm/node_modules/"

and can't find which function call "setText" method in "/programs/server/npm/node_modules/"

I have not an environment about meteor.

I hope I can debug the code by insert "console.log" to related file and function. I found some code about request and response.

but I didn't find where call the request to start , and where call to handle the response.

please help,thanks!

xkungfu commented 3 years ago

finally I found all are caused by logic of Apps. designed by a very strange and terrible logic. very unfriendly. the code seems to be encoded and stored in mongodb. and the message modal seems to be designed duplicated.