RocketChat / Docker.Official.Image

Docker hub - community managed image
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Bump Rocket.Chat 3.5.0 #117

Closed sandrotanner closed 4 years ago

sandrotanner commented 4 years ago

aminvakil commented 4 years ago is a release approved by docker team too, therefore it will be always older (from my experience about two weeks) than the rocketchat official one.

As I thought official rocketchat which is approved by docker team too is at least tested two weeks prior to be in docker hub, I have enabled automatic image update on all of my rocketchat servers, has this been changed?

This new version is only 1 day old, although there has been several rcs prior to releasing the rocketchat stable version.

Is there a fixed delay for upgrading rocketchat docker image after rocketchat gets upgraded itself?

sampaiodiego commented 4 years ago

there is no official delay in between a release is cut and the official docker image is published.. we're actually trying to release both as close as possible.

sandrotanner commented 4 years ago

@aminvakil If you want automatic updates but lack behind by two weeks you could probably create a script to checkout the latest commit that is more than two weeks old and build the image.

git checkout `git rev-list -1 --before=14.days.ago master`
aminvakil commented 4 years ago

@sampaiodiego Thanks for the clarification.

@sandrotanner Thanks for your suggestion, but I'm not building docker image from git repo, but using the image

sandrotanner commented 4 years ago

@aminvakil I know. My suggestion was that you change that if you want to withhold the latest stable version for two weeks on your servers :) The resulting image is exactly the same as using docker-compose pull but you have the control over when you deploy a new version (which seems like what you want).