RocketChat / Docker.Official.Image

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Image problem on windows client / www client #149

Open matziu opened 3 years ago

matziu commented 3 years ago

Hello, after upgrade docker image to 3.16.2 i have problem with images on windows client and www client. I try many browsers.

On iOS client works well. Server Setup Information

Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.16.2
Operating System: Debian 10.10
Deployment Method: docker / traefik
Number of Running Instances: 1
DB Replicaset Oplog:
NodeJS Version: v12.22.1
MongoDB Version: 4.0.21 / mmapv1 (oplog Włączone)
Proxy: traefik
Firewalls involved: no
sampaiodiego commented 3 years ago

are you running in a sub-folder? what version were you using before the upgrade?

matziu commented 3 years ago

im using docker-compose file in folder: /home/matz/docker/traefik

matziu commented 2 years ago

New year problem the same:

heif: Unsupported feature: Unsupported codec (4.3000)
heif: Unsupported feature: Unsupported codec
