RocketChat / RC4Community

Full-stack components for building, engaging, and growing your massive on-line community
Apache License 2.0
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[TODO] Create a packaging toolkit for full-stack components #201

Open Sing-Li opened 1 year ago

Sing-Li commented 1 year ago

This is not a beginner task.

But if you have the right "stuff" you will recognize this as one of the most challenging and rewarding issue in this project. You're creating something here that doesn't exist (yet!). Anywhere!

Currently, the "full stack components" residing within this project are fully expanded and are subject to cross-talk pollution (devs working on one component mutating/using code from another).

Ideally, we want to have every component in its own repository - like npm modules, except "full stack". Devs should be able to create and share components for their own projects without notifying us. That is the only way that the component ecosystem can grow and thrive.

The pre-13 NextJS did not make this easy. NextJS 13 brings some componentization possibilities for SSR components (app). But our solution ideally shouldn't depend too much on this. We don't want to restrict the backend behaviors that are encapsulated in the components to NextJS only; we want it to include any and all microservices backend platforms as well as existing SaaS support APIs.

Palanikannan1437 commented 1 year ago

This is what I was waiting for!! I'd like to work on this for sure after the gitpod issue!!

It'd be awesome if you could assign this to me! Thank you!

Sing-Li commented 1 year ago

This is not a small or short-duration project.

We have tried twice, unsuccessfully, for the past two years. Two failed multi-months attempts by very capable contributors.

Let's start a discussion here on the approaches / solutions first.

Palanikannan1437 commented 1 year ago

This is not a small or short-duration project.

We have tried twice, unsuccessfully, for the past two years. Two failed multi-months attempts by very capable contributors.

Let's start a discussion here on the approaches / solutions first.

Sure thing @Sing-Li 😇...I hope the poll component would lay off a foundation for this hopefully!!

barelyhuman commented 1 year ago

To start off so people can understand what it means,

can we lay down of what the minimal possible reproduction of this "full stack" component would be.
