RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Android

Legacy mobile Rocket.Chat client in Kotlin for Android
MIT License
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Channel names are not displayed as links. #1794

Open localguru opened 5 years ago

localguru commented 5 years ago


Channel names are not displayed as links.

Devices and Versions

Your Rocket.Chat.Android version: 3.0.0. Your Rocket.Chat Server version: 0.69.2 and 0.71.0-rc.0 (

Mobile device model and OS version: BQ Aquaris X5 Plus and Android 7.1.1

Steps to reproduce

After entering a channel name, e.g. #test , this is not displayed as a link, but as plain text.


fais3000 commented 5 years ago

This is quite a navigational challenge for new users as in the app it is very hard to go to a channels.

numahell commented 5 years ago

I still have this problem with 3.4.2 (2070) version, but could it be due to our old server version (0.66.3) ?

reetp commented 5 years ago

You should really test this against the lastest Rocket which is v1.1.1 (use Versions mentioned here are way out of date and should be upgraded.