RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Android

Legacy mobile Rocket.Chat client in Kotlin for Android
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Foss build flavour contains google play service libraries #2250

Open Bubu opened 5 years ago

Bubu commented 5 years ago

Since integrating jitsi-meet sdk the foss build flavour used fo rthe f-droid release contains google proprietary libraries dependencies.

Can be verified by this:

./gradlew assembleFossDebug
$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/apkanalyzer dex packages ./app/build/outputs/apk/foss/debug/app-foss-debug.apk | grep

Ref: and

This means that until this is solved the f-droid version cannot be upgraded past version 3.2.0

martinszy commented 5 years ago

Has this been fixed yet? What is missing?

Perflyst commented 5 years ago

Nothing is missing, jitsi has to be removed or patched so it does not contain google play things

martinszy commented 5 years ago

Ok, so is there an issue on about this?

martinszy commented 5 years ago

So, it says here that jitsi development is halted:

But there's an issue here where someone is claiming they got it to build:

Actually, it's already merged so it should be usable now.

pihug12 commented 5 years ago

The main issue was mentionned by @Bubu:

With these two merge requests ( &, it should now be possible to build Jitsi-meet-sdk without GMS.

Rocket.Chat is currently using the 2.1.0 Jitsi version ( that doesn't include these fixes. I didn't see newer tag since

So I think we should wait for a new Jitsi tag? Or build the Jitsi Android SDK from the master branch.

And I think that the SDK is picked by Rocket.Chat from a "not-accepted by F-Droid" remote Maven repo (see So it should be build by F-Droid with the LIBRE_BUILD env var set to true.

@Bubu masters these things well better than me. 😄

saghul commented 5 years ago

FYI, we released 2.2.0 which does include those fixes. You can just rebuild the tag with the LIBRE_BUILD flag set. Cheers!

Perflyst commented 5 years ago

Than it is time for an F-Droid version of Jitsi?

On July 5, 2019 11:25:06 AM UTC, "Saúl Ibarra Corretgé" wrote:

FYI, we released 2.2.0 which does include those fixes. You can just rebuild the tag with the LIBRE_BUILD flag set. Cheers!

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raphj commented 5 years ago

@Perflyst see

Bubu commented 4 years ago

For completeness sake: This has been solved by using a libre build variant of jitsi. The riot-android developers setup a maven repo for this, so I just reused this for the f-droid build: