RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Android

Legacy mobile Rocket.Chat client in Kotlin for Android
MIT License
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Android App Won't Open 1st Try #2541

Open jasonhaymond opened 4 years ago

jasonhaymond commented 4 years ago

The Android app will get stuck opening, but only the first time. If I go back and open the app again, it loads instantly and works great until the app is closed and I try opening it again. This seems to only happen when opening the app from a push notification. It works great normally without opening from a notification. This issue happens on all three Android phones that I have used with RC.

On-prem server version 2.4.11 Android app version

jasonhaymond commented 4 years ago

Please let me know if this is a duplicate issue.

jasonhaymond commented 4 years ago

Screenshot of the app hanging. Screenshot_20200426-094844_RocketChat