RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Cordova

Rocket.Chat Cross-Platform Mobile Application via Cordova (DEPRECATED)
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Allow server switching during Easy Share action #77

Closed Burstaholic closed 8 years ago

Burstaholic commented 8 years ago

This uses a temporary file to store the Share Intent's information while the WebView navigates, then goes into the same room choosing flow.

geekgonecrazy commented 8 years ago

Sweet! I'm guessing this fits nicely with #64

You rock!

geekgonecrazy commented 8 years ago

@Burstaholic the update to cross walk almost slipped by with out me noticing. :smile: does the update in version change compatibility with any version of Android?

Burstaholic commented 8 years ago

No; I also tried it via emulator in the oldest Android version Crosswalk supports at all (4.0) and it worked fine. I'm hoping there might even be some performance improvement for the older devices.

geekgonecrazy commented 8 years ago

ok cool! :)


After someone else takes a look, we need to merge and cut a release with the new sharing feature. :+1:

rodrigok commented 8 years ago


rodrigok commented 8 years ago

captura de tela 2016-02-19 as 16 32 55

I have no idea why :(

geekgonecrazy commented 8 years ago

@Burstaholic what version of android are you trying in the emulator? Rodrigo's is 5.1 it looks like and crashing.