RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Java.SDK

[DEPRECATED, NOT MAINTAINED] Java/Android SDK for Rocket.Chat
MIT License
29 stars 23 forks source link

Separate into modules and artifacts #22

Closed luciofm closed 7 years ago

luciofm commented 7 years ago

Separate the SDK into the modules and artifacts livechat module - rocketchat-sdk-livechat artifact for LiveChat functionality core module - rocketchat-sdk-core artifact for core SDK functionality, DDP protocol comunication. common module - rocketchat-sdk-common artifact for common code used by both livechat and core modules.

sacOO7 commented 7 years ago

Thank you lucio, I will be adding update today (PR) in addition with some of the cool features, required for app development, for sure :+1:

sacOO7 commented 7 years ago

Separated modules in different parts, uploaded artifacts on bintray with proper dependency handling :+1: