RocketChat / Rocket.Chat.Metrics

Monitoring setup for Rocket.Chat servers
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Installation on Digital Ocean Droplet #1

Closed raphael-evolutap closed 4 years ago

raphael-evolutap commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to install on Rocket.Chat droplet from Digital Ocean Marketplace, but it not working.

Installation works fine, i have to change port to 3300 in docker file, because Rocket.Chat is alreading using port 3000.

But after install and up i'm not able to access, http://${HOST_IP}:3300 or http://${HOST_DOMAIN}:3300 doesnt work.


frdmn commented 4 years ago

Hi @raphael-evolutap

Can you check if the containers are all properly started? What's the output of:

docker-compose ps
netstat -tulpn
raphael-evolutap commented 4 years ago

docker-compose ps a4cc1ffd4823_a4cc1ffd4823_rocketchatmet / Up 3000/tcp,>3300/tcprics_grafana_1 rocketchatmetrics_prometheus_1 /bin/prometheus --config.f ... Up 9090/tcp

--a4cc1ffd4823_a4cc1ffd4823_rocketch / Up 3000/tcp,>3300/tcpatmetrics_grafana_1 rocketchatmetrics_prometheus_1 /bin/prometheus --config.f ... Restarting after up, prometheus is restarting.

netstat -tulpn Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0 LISTEN 3321/containerd tcp 0 0 LISTEN 707/systemd-resolve tcp 0 0 LISTEN 910/sshd tcp 0 0 LISTEN 1007/node tcp 0 0 LISTEN 937/mongod tcp6 0 0 :::80 ::: LISTEN 27961/traefik tcp6 0 0 :::22 ::: LISTEN 910/sshd tcp6 0 0 :::443 ::: LISTEN 27961/traefik tcp6 0 0 :::3300 ::: LISTEN 13684/docker-proxy udp 0 0 707/systemd-resolv

thanks @frdmn

frdmn commented 4 years ago

The output of docker-compose ps is mushed for some reason. As you can see in the netstat output, nothing is running on port 3300 (which should be your Grafana container).

Check the logfiles of the containre why it's not starting properly: docker-compose logs -f grafana.

raphael-evolutap commented 4 years ago

Maybe my ports configuration in docker-compose.yml was wrong, i'm change it to 3300:3000 and now it's working.

What is credentials to login? Do i have to take extra steps?


frdmn commented 4 years ago

Great to hear that!

You can use Grafanas default credentials to login initially: admin/admin. Forgot to add that to the docs - thanks for the hint 😊

raphael-evolutap commented 4 years ago

thanks man @frdmn